Grup d´Analisi Barcelona

English content

A blog in memory of Juan Campos


This webpage about groupanalysis —dedicated to Juan Campos, a Spanish-Catalan groupanalyst and founder member of Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona— is written in Spanish. The two originators of groupanalysis, S. H Foulkes and Trigant Burrow, were English speaking. The personal and professional relationship of Juan Campos and his group with the latter and their groups has been intimate and continuous. It is for this reason that quite a number of papers, texts and investigations on this webpage had originally been written in English or presented in bilingual format. We thought it could be of interest to English readers to find them collected under “English Content”. The index resulting from this collection follows the subjects of the page and the index of “Juan Campos. Life and Works” presented in six decades, of which the last two reflect the projects shared with the colleagues of Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona.  This, on one hand, makes it possible to refer the English texts back to the context in which they are presented in the blog and, on the other hand, to give a synchronic and diachronic meaning to the English as well as the Spanish content of the blog.



In 1995, Juan Campos introduces the first draft of the Group Method of Analysis with the text of Kavafis (Ithaca). A doctor in body and soul as he was, he added that groupanalysis is only one of the many vessels boarded by Ulysses from the Troy of the treatment of hysteria to the Ithaca of cultural communities, the multiple and diverse homes of humanity.


General Index of this Section:

  • Foundations of GA
    • Glossary
      • The approximation of T. Burrow
      • The approximation of S. H. Foulkes
      • The approximation of J. Campos
      • The approximation of Pat de Maré
    • The pioneers:
      • Sigmund Freud
      • Trigant Burrow
      • S. H. Foulkes
      • Pat of Maré

In the summer of 2013, three members of Grup d’Anàlisi Barcelona —Mercè, Pere and Hanne, after four years of considerable effort, launch this blog on the life and works of Juan Campos Avillar. The contributions of this Spanish-Catalan physician, psychoanalyst and groupanalyst is a lifelong dialogue between the autocratic imprints his country and culture of origin had left in his spirit and the institutions of the so-called democratic countries and cultures he trained in. Giving his contributions in English a space of their own makes it possible to refer the English texts back to the context in which they are presented in the blog and also to give a synchronic and diachronic meaning to the English as well as the Spanish content of the blog. Questions which tend to be interpreted in terms of individual characteristics perhaps can finally also be seen in the light of the group dynamics that dominate our globalized world. The thoughts and practice of Juan Campos has always been in terms of the groups he lived in.

This page starts with an audiovisual we prepared in Juan’s memory (it will take about 5 or 10 minutes to download it, depending on the quality of your connection; you can store or open it with a power point). We added the echoes many people have sent us; also we are gathering memories evoked on some lists where Juan participated and the ones you might send to us.