This page starts with an audiovisual we prepared in Juan’s memory (it will take about 5 or 10 minutes to download it, depending on the quality of your connection; you can store or open it with a power point). We added the echoes many people have sent us; also we are gathering memories evoked on some lists where Juan participated and the ones you might send to us.
- In memoriam (english)
- Links to the archives of memory:
- Ecos lista administradores de Red Iris (ADMIN)
- Ecos lista «Foro de Grupo Análisis» (GRUPOANALISIS)
- Remembering Juan on the Internet List of IAGP, Rome 2009 (MULTILINGUE)
- Thinking of Juan Campos on the lists of GAS, SEPTG, GA and IAGP (MULTILINGUE)
- Acomiadar-se (despedirse). Mercè Martínez (CATALÀ) (CASTELLANO)
- A personal tribute. Pere Mir (ENGLISH)
- A los que nos han precedido y les debemos lo que somos, José Mª Ayerra, Avances en Salud Mental Relacional, vol. 8, 1 (marzo 2009)
·Links to the archives of memory